Assalamualaikum and hi,
Saya rasa terpanggil nak menaip tentang kehidupan sebagai seorang isteri yang berkahwin dengan Offshore ataupun Oilfield Man. Rata-rata yang bertanyakan, "suami awak kerja apa?", "kenapa suami selalu outstation?", kadang-kadang kalau atttend majlis kahwin, semua akan bertanyakan "mana husband awak? kenapa tak ikut sekali?". Bila jawab, "suami pergi offshore", ohh mesti akan keluar next statement, "woa..gaji besar ni..". Mentaliti masyarakat sekarang ni, kalo keje offshore je mesti kaya..haha tp bagi kami, isteri-isteri yang bersuamikan lelaki bekerja dalam bidang ini, kami tak pernah rasa macam tu. Kenapa ya saya cakap macam tu? Sebab duit tak boleh ditukar dengan masa bersama yang hilang. Iya, saya akui, duit memang tak pernah menjadi issue sepanjang berumah tangga. Tetapi yang menjadi issue adalah masa bersama suami. Suami saya jarang ada dekat rumah. Kadang-kadang 2 hingga 3 minggu di laut, balik 3 hari, then pergi pula ke platform lain. Kdang-kadanng dia pergi ke plant sahaja, so tak perlu naik offshore. Yang tu pun dah buatkan saya lega. Sebab kalau dia di darat sahaja, walaupun nun jauh di Kerteh ke atau di Kota Kinabalu, at least kami masih boleh berhubung, call dan whatapps selalu. Kalau dia naik offshore, macam-macam yang saya risaukan. Dia naik helicopter pun saya risau, dia naik bot pun saya risau. Memang tak tenteram jiwa duduk rumah. Lagi satu kalau dekat offshore takde line telefon. Memang susah husband nak contact saya. Hanya ada wifi signal, so husband boleh la whatapps saya. Kalo nak video call ke, facetime ke memang tak lepas la, sebab line internet slow. Pernah tu husband pergi offshore, lepas naik helicopter, nak dekat 1 hari lebih tiada apa-apa berita dari dia. Isteri mana yang tak risau kan. Takut la apa-apa yang terjadi. Then rupanya internet connection tak berapa nak ada sebab angin kuat, so dalam 2 minggu tu memang jarang berhubung dengan suami.
Masa mula-mula kahwin memang saya tak suka life yang macam ni. Kadang-kadang saya jeles tengok kawan-kawan saya, bila weekends je dapat keluar dating dengan suami sendiri. Dan saya jeles bila tengok ada kawan-kawan suami dan isteri kerja satu office. Makan sama, balik dan pulang dari office pun bersama.Memang lama saya nak biasakan diri dengan kehidupan macam ni. Itupan sampai sekarang masih belum terbiasa lagi. Setiap kali suami nak pergi offshore, memamg selalu ada drama air mata. hihihi Tetapi saya akan selalu tanamkan rasa positif dalam diri. Despite of selalu rasa risau bila berjauhan, saya selalu sujud doa kepada Allah S.WT supaya Allah S.W.T pelihara dan jaga dia untuk saya. Bila weekends pula saya banyak habiskan masa di rumah. Bukannya tiada "Life", tetapi saya perlu siapkan thesis master saya. Saya sambung belajar pun sebab ingin isi masa lapang. Kadang-kadang saya balik kampung, jumpa parents, jumpa adik beradik seronok sikit kan. Takde rasa boring. Kadang-kadang pula saya habiskan masa pergi shopping seorang diri. Yang ni part paling best sekali, saya shopping untuk kepuasan diri sendiri. Kadang-kadang saya pergi ke spa, buat rawatan muka dan rambut. Penjagaan diri tu penting, untuk suami jugakkan..Oh, saya belum ada anak lagi. Sekarang ni tengah mengandung 4 bulan. Saya rasa lepas ni masa saya akan dihabiskan dengan baby saya, so tiadalah sunyi lagi. In sha Allah.
Dugaan mengandung 4 bulan ni, suami saya kena pergi Sudan selama 3 bulan. Ibu mengandung ni memang emosinya terlebih sikit. Yerla, nanti suami saya balik saya dah 7 bulan, dah besar dah perut saya. So dia tak dapat nak tengok progress saya sepanjang hamil anak kami. Tetapi saya selalu berfikiran positif. I understand and appreciate how hard he works, away from family and all he knows is to provide for me and our baby. Even, I realize that every time that i am having a hard time, or anything that related to household matter, or even during the time where I need to go to the clinic all alone, that he is the first person I blame, I blame him simply because he is not physically present at that moment. But I always do keep myself positive, that this is nobody's fault. This is the life that I chose or rather the life has chose me, I am always grateful that Allah S.W.T knows me from inside out. Alhamdulillah, that Allah S.W.T has blessed me with everything one could desire for ( a loving and caring husband, a happy marriage, a loving family, a caring friendship). My husband always said that "man is a worker, if he not that he is nothing". The way he thought of if he can't sufficiently provide for his family, that he is nothing as a man, just a failure, touched my heart. I appreciate for everything he has done for me and the baby, and all selfish desires he put aside, May Allah S.W.T protect him all the way and keep him same each hour and everyday. May Allah make everything easy for my husband. In sha Allah..Amin.
P/S Allah found some of the strongest women and made their match an oilfield man :)
Friday, 23 October 2015
Saturday, 12 September 2015
My Personal Thought #4: Review Set Kesuburan Shaklee
Assalamualaikum and hi,
Sebenarnya dah lama nak update review tentang set kesuburan Shaklee. Tapi hari ini baru ada kesempatan. Sebelum start review, let me share cerita tentang kenapa saya boleh consume set kesuburan shaklee ni.
Saya berkahwin pada tahun lepas, 2 August 2014. Masa tu memang saya target nak ada anak cepat sebab umur pun dah 25 tahun. Suami plak berumur 28 tahun. Target saya, saya taknak anak saya nnt lahir, umur saya dan suami dan mencapai 30 tahun keatas. nak dijadikan cerita, officemate yang berkahwin timing yang sama dengan saya, semua bunting pelamin. Ada dalam 4 orang. Tetapi mungkin saya masih tiada rezeki lagi nak mendapat khabar gembira seperti itu. Tapi saya percaya dengan rezeki Allah S.W.T. Kita hanya mampu merancang tetapi Allah S.W.T yang menentukan.
Kitaran haid saya memang tidak menentu selepas bernikah. Pernah sekali selepas bernikah, period tak datang hampir 2 bulan. Masa tu saya ingat saya dah mengandung tetapi ujian UPT negatif. Owh, kalau nak tau UPT strips tu dah macam bestfriend saya. Daripada range harga yang mahal sampai murah, semua ada saya simpan. Sebab, saya terlampau obses, bila late period je, mesti test. Tapi result semuanya negatif. Allah S.W.T belum nak bagi saya rezeki anak lagi. Lagi satu mungkin faktor suami saya selalu outstation. Dalam sebulan ada dalam seminggu je dia ada dekat rumah. He is an offshore man. Kalau tak pergi offshore, dia masuk plant dekat Kota Kinabalu. Bila time saya subur, suami plak outstation. Mana nak jadikan.... hehehe
Dan pernah sekali haid saya datang seperti biasa dalam seminggu. Dan selang seminggu selepas habis period, period saya datang lagi. Dua kali period dalam sebulan, buatkan saya dan suami risau. Masa tu terus suami bawa saya pergi medical check up dengan Gynae di Columbia Asia. Doktor scan rahim saya. Then dia cakap sebenarnya saya ada masalah Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Syndrome ni berlaku disebabkan ada beberapa kemungkinan. Pertama ialah kerana banyak cyst kecil yang develop dalam ovari. Keduanya ialah hormon saya tak stabil. Ovari menghasilkan lebih testosterone daripada paras normal. Kata doktor, PCOs sindrom ni memang selalu terjadi kepada wanita, dalam nisbah 1:10. So doktor bagi ubat untuk menstanbilkan hormon dan ubat kesuburan yang mana saya tak ingat ubat apa. This happened 6 months ago. Then, doktor dah siap tolong kirakan, if ambil ubat ni setiap hari, beliau ada set tarikh untuk saya dan suami mencuba untuk dapatkan baby..sebab time tu subur katanya..hehehe tetapi unfortunately, tarikh tu saya pergi Tokyo dalam 2 weeks sebab bekerja. Suami pula pergi offshore. Memang tak menjadi plan doktor.
Tetapi selepas ambil ubat doktor, period saya almost regular tapi akan lewat 2 minggu. Tetapi saya memang tak pandai kira waktu subur saya. Hari yang saya target, memang tak pernah kena. Saya hampir putus asa. Sampaikan UPT strip tu memang saya dah tak guna dah. Simpan je dalam almari sebab dah tak nak berharap. Tetapi, setiap kali lepas solat memang saya tak pernah lupa untuk doa supaya Allah S.W.T berikan saya rezeki anak.
Okay, panjang mukadimahnya..hehe okay saya proceed macam mana saya kenal set kesuburan Shaklee. Officemate yang kenalkan saya dengan set kesuburan ni. Maybe dia nampak saya terlampau stress untuk dapatkan baby. So dia cadangkan set kesuburan shaklee. Dia ambil set kesuburan tu, dalam sebulan lebih je positif. Mula-mula saya ragu-ragu. Saya bukan jenis yang suka makan supplement macam ubat ni. Memang semua tak kena dengan tekak saya. Saya ceritakan dekat suami tentang set kesuburan ni. Then suami yang buat research...Dia memang excited nak cuba. Terus order set kesuburan untuk isteri dan suami sekali.
Set untuk saya, GLA complex, B- complex, Vita-Lea dan saya saja menambah Vita C plus. Nak bagi kulit cantik...hehehe. Set untuk suami: Zinc complex dan Vita-E Complex dan juga Vita-Lea. Actually Vita-Lea tu optional. Masa kami beli ada offer free Vita-Lea. Jadi kami amalkan hari-hari.
1. GLA Complex- 2 biji sehari selepas breakfast dan sebelum tidur. (isteri)
2. B-Complex- 1 biji sehari selepas breakfast (isteri)
3. Vita-C Plus - 1 biji sehari selepas breakfast (isteri)
4. Vita-Lea - 1 biji sehari selepas breakfast (isteri/suami)
5. Vita- E Complex- 2 biji sehari selepas lunch (suami)
6. Zinc Comple - 1 biji sehari sebelum breakfast (suami)
Kebetulan selepas beli ni, suami tiada outstation mana-mana (itu yang penting ye. hahaha ). Selepas sebulan consume set kesuburan Shaklee ni, tiba masanya kitaran period saya bermula. So, lewat dua minggu saya anggap normal. Lagipun saya dah mula rasa tanda-tanda nak period. Nak masuk tiga minggu, still tak period, saya anggap itu normal juga. hehehe saya memang tak check sebab UPT strip is not my bestfriend anymore..hehehhe tapi maybe Allah SWT nak suruh saya check juga...Wallahualam..saya mimpi tiga hari berturut-turut di mana saya test UPT dan resultnya positif. Malam ketiga saya terjaga dari tidur. Dalam pukul 5pagi, saya terus cari balik UPT tester jenama clearblue, dan result nya memang memeranjatkan saya. Alhamdulillah syukur, saya dapat positif result which is positive line tu memang sangat clear. Memang bukan ragu-ragu. Saya terus kejutkan suami dan tunjuk result tu. Masa tu dia blur lagi...sebab terkejut kot, nak-nak lagi tengah tidur. Lepas tu memang kami tak tidur dah. Excited nak pergi check kat klinik. Alhamdulillah selepas doktor check, katanya saya dah 3-4 weeks pregnant. Masa tu perasaan gembira hanya Allah SWT yang tahu. Saya tengok suami saya dah bergenang air mata. Sebab gembira sangat dapat baby...hehe syukur sangat dengan rezeki ini. Basically, semua ni terjadi dengan izin Allah S.W.T. Tetapi kita pun jangan berhenti berusaha dan berdoa. Alhamdulillah usaha kami mandapatkan hasilnya. Syukur kepada Allah SWT, dan terima kasih juga kepada Shaklee. Buat pengetahuan semua, saya still consume Shaklee untuk set ibu hamil first trimester. Nanti saya akan share my personal thought of set ibu hamil shaklee pulak ye. Sekarang kandungan saya dah masuk 3 bulan. Doakan kesihatan saya dan kandungan ini ye :)
Okay, itu sahaja.
Assalamualaikum dan bye :)
Sebenarnya dah lama nak update review tentang set kesuburan Shaklee. Tapi hari ini baru ada kesempatan. Sebelum start review, let me share cerita tentang kenapa saya boleh consume set kesuburan shaklee ni.
Saya berkahwin pada tahun lepas, 2 August 2014. Masa tu memang saya target nak ada anak cepat sebab umur pun dah 25 tahun. Suami plak berumur 28 tahun. Target saya, saya taknak anak saya nnt lahir, umur saya dan suami dan mencapai 30 tahun keatas. nak dijadikan cerita, officemate yang berkahwin timing yang sama dengan saya, semua bunting pelamin. Ada dalam 4 orang. Tetapi mungkin saya masih tiada rezeki lagi nak mendapat khabar gembira seperti itu. Tapi saya percaya dengan rezeki Allah S.W.T. Kita hanya mampu merancang tetapi Allah S.W.T yang menentukan.
Kitaran haid saya memang tidak menentu selepas bernikah. Pernah sekali selepas bernikah, period tak datang hampir 2 bulan. Masa tu saya ingat saya dah mengandung tetapi ujian UPT negatif. Owh, kalau nak tau UPT strips tu dah macam bestfriend saya. Daripada range harga yang mahal sampai murah, semua ada saya simpan. Sebab, saya terlampau obses, bila late period je, mesti test. Tapi result semuanya negatif. Allah S.W.T belum nak bagi saya rezeki anak lagi. Lagi satu mungkin faktor suami saya selalu outstation. Dalam sebulan ada dalam seminggu je dia ada dekat rumah. He is an offshore man. Kalau tak pergi offshore, dia masuk plant dekat Kota Kinabalu. Bila time saya subur, suami plak outstation. Mana nak jadikan.... hehehe
Dan pernah sekali haid saya datang seperti biasa dalam seminggu. Dan selang seminggu selepas habis period, period saya datang lagi. Dua kali period dalam sebulan, buatkan saya dan suami risau. Masa tu terus suami bawa saya pergi medical check up dengan Gynae di Columbia Asia. Doktor scan rahim saya. Then dia cakap sebenarnya saya ada masalah Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Syndrome ni berlaku disebabkan ada beberapa kemungkinan. Pertama ialah kerana banyak cyst kecil yang develop dalam ovari. Keduanya ialah hormon saya tak stabil. Ovari menghasilkan lebih testosterone daripada paras normal. Kata doktor, PCOs sindrom ni memang selalu terjadi kepada wanita, dalam nisbah 1:10. So doktor bagi ubat untuk menstanbilkan hormon dan ubat kesuburan yang mana saya tak ingat ubat apa. This happened 6 months ago. Then, doktor dah siap tolong kirakan, if ambil ubat ni setiap hari, beliau ada set tarikh untuk saya dan suami mencuba untuk dapatkan baby..sebab time tu subur katanya..hehehe tetapi unfortunately, tarikh tu saya pergi Tokyo dalam 2 weeks sebab bekerja. Suami pula pergi offshore. Memang tak menjadi plan doktor.
Tetapi selepas ambil ubat doktor, period saya almost regular tapi akan lewat 2 minggu. Tetapi saya memang tak pandai kira waktu subur saya. Hari yang saya target, memang tak pernah kena. Saya hampir putus asa. Sampaikan UPT strip tu memang saya dah tak guna dah. Simpan je dalam almari sebab dah tak nak berharap. Tetapi, setiap kali lepas solat memang saya tak pernah lupa untuk doa supaya Allah S.W.T berikan saya rezeki anak.
Okay, panjang mukadimahnya..hehe okay saya proceed macam mana saya kenal set kesuburan Shaklee. Officemate yang kenalkan saya dengan set kesuburan ni. Maybe dia nampak saya terlampau stress untuk dapatkan baby. So dia cadangkan set kesuburan shaklee. Dia ambil set kesuburan tu, dalam sebulan lebih je positif. Mula-mula saya ragu-ragu. Saya bukan jenis yang suka makan supplement macam ubat ni. Memang semua tak kena dengan tekak saya. Saya ceritakan dekat suami tentang set kesuburan ni. Then suami yang buat research...Dia memang excited nak cuba. Terus order set kesuburan untuk isteri dan suami sekali.
Set untuk saya, GLA complex, B- complex, Vita-Lea dan saya saja menambah Vita C plus. Nak bagi kulit cantik...hehehe. Set untuk suami: Zinc complex dan Vita-E Complex dan juga Vita-Lea. Actually Vita-Lea tu optional. Masa kami beli ada offer free Vita-Lea. Jadi kami amalkan hari-hari.
1. GLA Complex- 2 biji sehari selepas breakfast dan sebelum tidur. (isteri)
2. B-Complex- 1 biji sehari selepas breakfast (isteri)
3. Vita-C Plus - 1 biji sehari selepas breakfast (isteri)
4. Vita-Lea - 1 biji sehari selepas breakfast (isteri/suami)
5. Vita- E Complex- 2 biji sehari selepas lunch (suami)
6. Zinc Comple - 1 biji sehari sebelum breakfast (suami)
Kebetulan selepas beli ni, suami tiada outstation mana-mana (itu yang penting ye. hahaha ). Selepas sebulan consume set kesuburan Shaklee ni, tiba masanya kitaran period saya bermula. So, lewat dua minggu saya anggap normal. Lagipun saya dah mula rasa tanda-tanda nak period. Nak masuk tiga minggu, still tak period, saya anggap itu normal juga. hehehe saya memang tak check sebab UPT strip is not my bestfriend anymore..hehehhe tapi maybe Allah SWT nak suruh saya check juga...Wallahualam..saya mimpi tiga hari berturut-turut di mana saya test UPT dan resultnya positif. Malam ketiga saya terjaga dari tidur. Dalam pukul 5pagi, saya terus cari balik UPT tester jenama clearblue, dan result nya memang memeranjatkan saya. Alhamdulillah syukur, saya dapat positif result which is positive line tu memang sangat clear. Memang bukan ragu-ragu. Saya terus kejutkan suami dan tunjuk result tu. Masa tu dia blur lagi...sebab terkejut kot, nak-nak lagi tengah tidur. Lepas tu memang kami tak tidur dah. Excited nak pergi check kat klinik. Alhamdulillah selepas doktor check, katanya saya dah 3-4 weeks pregnant. Masa tu perasaan gembira hanya Allah SWT yang tahu. Saya tengok suami saya dah bergenang air mata. Sebab gembira sangat dapat baby...hehe syukur sangat dengan rezeki ini. Basically, semua ni terjadi dengan izin Allah S.W.T. Tetapi kita pun jangan berhenti berusaha dan berdoa. Alhamdulillah usaha kami mandapatkan hasilnya. Syukur kepada Allah SWT, dan terima kasih juga kepada Shaklee. Buat pengetahuan semua, saya still consume Shaklee untuk set ibu hamil first trimester. Nanti saya akan share my personal thought of set ibu hamil shaklee pulak ye. Sekarang kandungan saya dah masuk 3 bulan. Doakan kesihatan saya dan kandungan ini ye :)
Okay, itu sahaja.
Assalamualaikum dan bye :)
Saturday, 31 January 2015
Azam Tahun Baru 2015
Dah lama tak blogging, hari ini rasa terpanggil-panggil nak taip blog. Sebenarnya nak cerita pasal azam tahun baru. Walaupun ni dah masuk bulan Februari baru nak cerita pasal azam tahun baru kan. hehehe
So let me conclude last year 2014 punya cerita. Even though tak ramai orang yang kisah pun kalau saya merepek dekat sini. Tapi tidak mengapa saya masih ingin menaip. hehehehhe
So as for last year, it has been really a tough year yet still ada kemanisan dalam tahun tersebut. First of all, thing that I precious the most was, saya telah menamatkan zaman bujang saya pada bulan Ogos tahun lepas. Yes, with a sudden preparation and Alhamdulillah everything went well as planed. Tetapi, Allah nak duga saya dan suami, sehari selepas hari persandingan, kami accident semasa dalam perjalanan balik ke Melaka (kenduri di kuantan) di Jalan Pekan - Muadzam. Ada satu kereta Almera ingin memotong but they hit us, my husband lost control, so kami berdua dengan kereta sekali tercampak masuk dalam gaung. Polis estimate kedalaman gaung dalam 20meter tetapi alhamdulillah kami suami isteri tiada cedera berat apa-apa. Alhamdulillah Allah lindungi kami. Okay, enough of that, life still goes on. hehehe Next, my achievement was, selepas sebulan kahwin dan kemalangan, I got promoted in October last year as Senior Design Engineer. Alhamdulillah once again, Allah murahkan rezeki saya.
Jadi, saya ada azam yang baru untuk tahun ini. Azam tahun ni adalah lebih kepada ingin menyahut cabaran my husband. Since he encourage me to be an independent woman, multitask, serba boleh.
Oleh itu, azam tahun baru 2015 saya adalah seperti berikut:
1. WORK HARD: Dengan jawatan dan tanggungjawab yang semakin berat yang telah diberikan, with a new task assigned, maka saya berazam untuk bekerja dengan lebih gigih lagi. No more procrastination, lebih details, lebih berpengetahuan dengan apa yang saya design dll.
2. MASTER STUDENT: Saya bersetuju untuk further study Master in Antenna Design in sha Allah, semoga Allah mempermudahkan urusan saya ini. Jadi, saya akan memulakan pengajian saya untuk setahun setengah ni (kalau terer sangat boleh grad setahun setengah, LOL!). Jadi part time student, sounds cool isn't it? hehehhehe
3. BUSINESS: Last but not least, I plan to setup my own business kecil-kecilan. Baru jer nak setup. The reason is sebab saya memang minat nak bisnes, so why not this year I setup sambil-sambil bekerja dan sambung belajar tu. My business concept is woman clothing, maxi dress, midi dress and cardi. I like this style, nampak casual, modern, dan sopan sesuai untuk hijabista out there. The price is very affordable!So do support me, follow me on Instagram @closetbytwin.
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Pic form google |
Maxi dress form my IG @closetbytwin |
Maxi dress form my IG @closetbytwin |
Harap sangat everything goes well, Semoga Allah permudahkan semua urusan saya. Okayh, tu saja. Good bye!! :)
Friday, 21 March 2014
Traditional Kain Sarong
Sorry for the long hiatus..again..hihi...anyway, takde orang nak heran! So, I am too busy with my working life. I am too tired and went to sleep soon I get back from work. Yes, life as an engineer is not easy (but it is not that bad either) especially when you are a female, working in guys dominated environment. But I am doing what I love, and can not imagine it any other way :)
Alright. Enough of that, my topic here is about traditional Kain Sarong. Have you ever heard of Batik Sarong Borneo or Batik Sarong Indonesia and etc? Ya, I know about kain sarong a.k.a kain batik before because my mother uses to wear it everyday, but I never thought that this kain batik can turn out to be trendy famous style nowadays..I have seen a lot of people wearing kain sarong in a version of mermaid cut or A- cut style and also some of the ruffle style that they match perfectly with kebaya or blouse and also a plain baju kurung modern. They look pretty and sweet wearing it. Traditional looks with modern approach are never a disappointment. and I fell in love with Kain sarong this lately. Here I share some picture of it.
This black kain sarong is called batik ratna dewi, it is originally a 2 meters of kain sarong and I send it to the tailor to make a mermaid cut skirt. Yes, I love it so much. This kain sarong comes in many pattern such as peacock motif , roses motif and water lily motif. The line of the motif is made of gold color line which make it looks exclusive.
Below are others 2 meters kain sarong that I bought:
If you are interested to buy them, you can search on batiksarongproject on instagram. This IG sells the 2 meters fabric of batik sarong for RM35 including postage. and you can also pre-order the ready made one as in the first picture. You can order it for this coming Hari Raya..hihi..
Sorry for the long hiatus..again..hihi...anyway, takde orang nak heran! So, I am too busy with my working life. I am too tired and went to sleep soon I get back from work. Yes, life as an engineer is not easy (but it is not that bad either) especially when you are a female, working in guys dominated environment. But I am doing what I love, and can not imagine it any other way :)
Alright. Enough of that, my topic here is about traditional Kain Sarong. Have you ever heard of Batik Sarong Borneo or Batik Sarong Indonesia and etc? Ya, I know about kain sarong a.k.a kain batik before because my mother uses to wear it everyday, but I never thought that this kain batik can turn out to be trendy famous style nowadays..I have seen a lot of people wearing kain sarong in a version of mermaid cut or A- cut style and also some of the ruffle style that they match perfectly with kebaya or blouse and also a plain baju kurung modern. They look pretty and sweet wearing it. Traditional looks with modern approach are never a disappointment. and I fell in love with Kain sarong this lately. Here I share some picture of it.
This black kain sarong is called batik ratna dewi, it is originally a 2 meters of kain sarong and I send it to the tailor to make a mermaid cut skirt. Yes, I love it so much. This kain sarong comes in many pattern such as peacock motif , roses motif and water lily motif. The line of the motif is made of gold color line which make it looks exclusive.
Below are others 2 meters kain sarong that I bought:
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This is the water lily motif |
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This is batik sarong borneo of pua kumbu motif |
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This is also call Batik sarong borneo |
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and this is also call the batik sarong borneo |
The end. Good night all ^_^
Sunday, 6 October 2013
My Personal Thought #03: Ceutical Ice Spring Mask Review
Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone! Sorry for a long hiatus. Today I would like to talk about my one and only favourite tissue mask which is Ceutical Ice Spring Mask.Anyone ever heard about Ceutical Skin care Brand before?
"CEUTICAL SKIN CARE is a high quality range of skincare products recommended by skincare professionals. This skin care range has been established since 2008 and become one of the trusted brand used by many beauty & medical professional, a lot of doctors, beautician and skin care clinic have been using this serum as a part of their beauty treatment & services.
Ceutical serum only made from botanical composition without any prohibited or harmful ingredients for your skin, as a matter of fact this skin care is registered under Malaysian Pharmaceutical Bureau, its definitely safe"
I met this brand last year when I try to search on the product that works wonderful to eliminate pimple scar and I ended up of buying it. One of the reasons that I found it very worth it to try is, it is a trusted brand used by many medical professionals. Plus, its price range is very reasonable and affordable.So, I decided to try the ceutical ampoules, Scar serum and its amazing Ice spring Mask.
Ceutical ampoules:
I bought the purifying type and the black head type. The purifying one, I applied on my face before I put a make up. and it helps to minimize pores and I feel my skin a lot smoother than before. For black head type, I applied during night before going to sleep and I can see that the black head reduce.
Scar serum:
I applied it twice a day. I can see that my scar lighten a bit but I still have breakouts back then, so, no use of applying scar serum when the pimples keep attacking almost every week.
Please forgive me but the main purpose I create this entry is to share my experience with its Ice Spring Maks. So, here is my personal thought of it:
Ceutical Ice Spring mask:
Wow! This tissue mask is very amazing! I still use this mask until now. I apply it twice a week. This mask is very good to remove dead skin as well as to maintain a smooth, fair, and clear skin texture. Plus, it helps to moisturize your face. With long terms application, it can help to eliminate pimple's scars (^_^) . I use it before sleep and I like to put them in the refrigerator to give cool effect when applied it on the face. You guys should try it. Oh, and this mask is the type that you can use it everyday if you want too. hehe..
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Mine.. Already put a tiny note on it as a reminder :) |
This week I made 7 days with masks's week. Because of my busy working life, I always took my skin care routine for granted... hehe so I already put a tiny notes on it and I will use it everyday. I am very sure that the results would be very fantastic! hehe so, you guys should do this also. I mean, it is OK to wear mask even once in a week as long as you put it in your skin care routine, the results would be more promising!
I have many Ceutical Ice spring mask in stock. I bought 150 pcs before, no lie!Because I love them so much! So, for those who is interested to try, you can always PM me at Will give it a special price to Sweetoholics's readers.. hehe
I am a satisfied user of Ice spring mask (already bought 150pcs already what.. (-.-") hehehe )
P/s Sorry! No cakes! BTW, if you feel like you wanna know more about the products that I've reviewed, kindly email me at Thank you so much for reading!
Saturday, 8 June 2013
My Personal Thought #02: Aura White 900 000MG Review
Assalamualaikum..Hi everyone! It has been a long time I did not update this blog. So today I would like to give my personal thought of the popular collagen drink nowadays, Aura White Pure L-Glutathione + Hydrolyzed Collagen. It is a very long name..hehe but people used to call it Aura White in short.
So I start buying this Aura White on last May when they first introduced their improved formula of 900 000 mg. Previously, it is 400 000 mg. So what is the different between between this two guys? The previous Aura White had 400 grams with 3x stem cells. While the new one is 900 grams with 5x stem cell. They claim that this new Aura White can last more than a month if you consume it 2 scoops, 2 times a day. But actually it is not. Because mine is only last for just a month and I did consume it 2 scoops, 2 times a day which is in the morning, 30 minutes before having a breakfast and at night before going to sleep :)
Aura white 900 000mg has new improvement of 5x stem cell from tomato, apple, rosella, lotus snow and raspberry. and yes it has a berry taste. Its powder smell like Ribena but its tasted little bit savourless. But, I did some research about its taste before buying. People say that the 400mg is more tasty, sweet and has the strong berry taste. This improve formula is different, I don't know. Because mine is savourless. :) And it is my second jar and I bought from different seller and its tasted same. Savourless.
So, yes! It is my second jar of Aura white and i usually did not buy any supplement twice because I tend to change and experiment many local supplement in the market. However, this Aura White really works for me until I decided to stick with it and see what more benefits I can get. My previous history of start taking the supplement is when I get so sick with the local skincare product that made my skin thinner and thinner. Yes!! so when I have a thinner skin, my skin is very prone to acne and I am always having a breakouts! Then, they leave scars which I guess it takes forever to fade! I changed and experiment with many local skin care and I found nothing that suit my skin. Nothing! [very emotional..hehe ^_^" ] Thus, my objectives of taking the supplement is to repair my skin condition in terms of acne scar and acne itself.
Why I said that Aura White really works GREAT for me:
1. Since I consume the Aura white, acne just visited me one time last month! I started to consume it last May, and I just got one acne at the chin which is just for a 3 days and amazingly it is gone without leaving any scar. You gotta believe me. :) So, my acne problem consider solved!
2. Since I consume Aura White, my scar begin to fade. Previously, it is obviously can be seen and since I did not having breakouts, so I did not have any new scar. So, my scar problem consider solved!
3. Since I consume Aura White, my skin texture improved. See below picture, the texture of my skin is like in the left previously. Now I can say that it is improved like the picture in the right side. My skin is smoother than before.
4. Since I consume Aura White, my skin become fairer and whiter. This is not my main objective of consuming supplement because I already have a fair skin. I did not notice this changes until last 2 weeks my sister asked me about it. She asked me, "why your skin become very white? not even your face but I saw your whole body, your hands, your leg become very white". I was like, "really??" because I did not notice this changes. So I guess this is an additional advantage I've gained form Aura White. :)
So, I guess these all four points is enough to explain why Aura White works great for me. This is the major changes that I can see from consuming Aura White. It is my second jar now and I am very satisfied with it. Aura white is not only for skin. It is also for nail, hair, bone, joint and muscle. I did not sell this product. This is just my personal thought of consuming this supplement for nearly 1 month and 2 weeks. If you wish to buy it, you can contact any online seller or local store nearby. Its standard price is RM145. But you can actually find a seller that do sell at lower price. I got my first jar at RM130, COD with free shaker and a mask. and I got my second jar at RM110, also COD with free shaker, 5 shiseido masks and 2 eye masks. It was a great deal huh? hehe..but you can google for an online seller that sell lower lower price with many many free gifts. :) If you read my previous entry about wonder pore from Etude House, I still used them and I think they are a perfect combinations with Aura White. (^_^)b
I think that's all for now. Thank you for reading :)




5 out of 5!! I am satisfied user. hehehe :)
So I start buying this Aura White on last May when they first introduced their improved formula of 900 000 mg. Previously, it is 400 000 mg. So what is the different between between this two guys? The previous Aura White had 400 grams with 3x stem cells. While the new one is 900 grams with 5x stem cell. They claim that this new Aura White can last more than a month if you consume it 2 scoops, 2 times a day. But actually it is not. Because mine is only last for just a month and I did consume it 2 scoops, 2 times a day which is in the morning, 30 minutes before having a breakfast and at night before going to sleep :)
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Aura White 900 00mg :) |
So, yes! It is my second jar of Aura white and i usually did not buy any supplement twice because I tend to change and experiment many local supplement in the market. However, this Aura White really works for me until I decided to stick with it and see what more benefits I can get. My previous history of start taking the supplement is when I get so sick with the local skincare product that made my skin thinner and thinner. Yes!! so when I have a thinner skin, my skin is very prone to acne and I am always having a breakouts! Then, they leave scars which I guess it takes forever to fade! I changed and experiment with many local skin care and I found nothing that suit my skin. Nothing! [very emotional..hehe ^_^" ] Thus, my objectives of taking the supplement is to repair my skin condition in terms of acne scar and acne itself.
Why I said that Aura White really works GREAT for me:
1. Since I consume the Aura white, acne just visited me one time last month! I started to consume it last May, and I just got one acne at the chin which is just for a 3 days and amazingly it is gone without leaving any scar. You gotta believe me. :) So, my acne problem consider solved!
2. Since I consume Aura White, my scar begin to fade. Previously, it is obviously can be seen and since I did not having breakouts, so I did not have any new scar. So, my scar problem consider solved!
3. Since I consume Aura White, my skin texture improved. See below picture, the texture of my skin is like in the left previously. Now I can say that it is improved like the picture in the right side. My skin is smoother than before.
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Please see the diagram of the skin there. I can say that my skin does improved like in the picture. Seriously, you gotta believe me! |
So, I guess these all four points is enough to explain why Aura White works great for me. This is the major changes that I can see from consuming Aura White. It is my second jar now and I am very satisfied with it. Aura white is not only for skin. It is also for nail, hair, bone, joint and muscle. I did not sell this product. This is just my personal thought of consuming this supplement for nearly 1 month and 2 weeks. If you wish to buy it, you can contact any online seller or local store nearby. Its standard price is RM145. But you can actually find a seller that do sell at lower price. I got my first jar at RM130, COD with free shaker and a mask. and I got my second jar at RM110, also COD with free shaker, 5 shiseido masks and 2 eye masks. It was a great deal huh? hehe..but you can google for an online seller that sell lower lower price with many many free gifts. :) If you read my previous entry about wonder pore from Etude House, I still used them and I think they are a perfect combinations with Aura White. (^_^)b
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Aura White packaging |





5 out of 5!! I am satisfied user. hehehe :)
Saturday, 11 May 2013
My Personal Thought #01 : Etude House Wonder Pore
Hi everyone! This is my first entry! [yeayyy!!] Finally, I have a time to update my first entry. It has been a long time since I've created this blog. But somehow, I can't find the time to wrote anything in, i didn't know what to write or what should I write in my very first entry. I did "google"ed to get an idea, and some suggested to introduce ourselves but i prefer to introduce myself later...haha..
1. Wonder pore Whipping Foaming:
I love the smell of this foam.. very nice and I never experience this smell before in any face wash. But I don't know if it is familiar with some people. The texture is highly concentrated yet very soft. Same like the whipping cream but this one can not be eat ya! After 2 weeks of using it, I can say that it is a very good product. Previously, my face wasn't so smooth. I also face an oily skin and open pores and I am hating it. The acne is my enemy because it left a scar![pity me..] I can say that this wonder pore is a savior to my skin problem. My face become smoother and soft. Blackheads have reduce a lot! My pores become smaller and my oily skin problem has reduce. Other thing that I like is, this whipping foam gives a cool effect when applying it on the face. It feels so fresh!
There are two ways of using it:
Overall, I am satisfied with this product. In terms of packaging, it is really worth to buy yet so affordable. I will definitely repurchase again this product. It is recommended to try.




4 cakes out of 5!! Wanna be sweet??? Plays Etude!
So, recently Etude House was having their 5th anniversary and they offered Buy one Free one promotion. It was a great deal! You can actually get 2 items at a half price! Lucky me, I was at the Alamanda, Putrajaya during the first day of the promotion [i usually didn't update myself with all the promotion, that's why i said "lucky me"] and managed to buy the Wonder Pore Freshner 500ml with free Wonder Pore Whipping Foaming at RM79.90! [hoyeay2!!] . Luckily because some items were out of stock already because they are a lot of women who play Etude also. ^___^
I have read many good reviews about this wonder pore that makes me so excited to try. I have an oily skin with open pores problem and also strawberry nose [u get what i mean?]. Before this, I have tried the malgem from etude house and they works great! I will make a MPT [a.k.a My personal thought] later. Enough with such a long introduction, so here is my personal thought about these Wonder pore.
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Wonder Pore Freshner and Wonder Pore Whipping Foaming |
I love the smell of this foam.. very nice and I never experience this smell before in any face wash. But I don't know if it is familiar with some people. The texture is highly concentrated yet very soft. Same like the whipping cream but this one can not be eat ya! After 2 weeks of using it, I can say that it is a very good product. Previously, my face wasn't so smooth. I also face an oily skin and open pores and I am hating it. The acne is my enemy because it left a scar![pity me..] I can say that this wonder pore is a savior to my skin problem. My face become smoother and soft. Blackheads have reduce a lot! My pores become smaller and my oily skin problem has reduce. Other thing that I like is, this whipping foam gives a cool effect when applying it on the face. It feels so fresh!
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I like the packaging. very attractive! |
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See the foam! It doesn't fall!!Magic!! hehehe |
First, you can use it as the daily wash. Second, you can use it as a mask. Leave it 1~2 minutes before washing it off. Use it 1~2 times a week. However, I did use it both ways EVERYDAY. I apply a small amount on my face and gently massage it about 1 minutes [depends on my laziness] and leave it for 2~3 minutes to let it cleanse deeply into the skin. I believe the result will be much better if I did this everyday. hehehe..
2. Wonder pore Freshner:
It comes in a big bottle. I love its packaging and cosmetic design. Its pump is so convenient and easy to use. This freshner helps in removing the left over make up and dirt on my face. I use it everyday, like 5 times a day. This freshner will give a warm effect on your skin after applying it but it is just for a while. I love this freshner because it doesn't feel sticky and its texture is easy to be absorbed into my skin. You will not feel like you are applying anything on your face except the warm effect that you will feel for a few seconds.
2. Wonder pore Freshner:
It comes in a big bottle. I love its packaging and cosmetic design. Its pump is so convenient and easy to use. This freshner helps in removing the left over make up and dirt on my face. I use it everyday, like 5 times a day. This freshner will give a warm effect on your skin after applying it but it is just for a while. I love this freshner because it doesn't feel sticky and its texture is easy to be absorbed into my skin. You will not feel like you are applying anything on your face except the warm effect that you will feel for a few seconds.
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I can't read Korean but from the pictures, you can understand the message that Etude wants to deliver |
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super big Wonder pore freshner *love it* |
Overall, I am satisfied with this product. In terms of packaging, it is really worth to buy yet so affordable. I will definitely repurchase again this product. It is recommended to try.




4 cakes out of 5!! Wanna be sweet??? Plays Etude!
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