Saturday 8 June 2013

My Personal Thought #02: Aura White 900 000MG Review

Posted by sweetoholics at 05:20 8 comments
Assalamualaikum..Hi everyone! It has been a  long time I did not update this blog. So today I would like to give my personal thought of the popular collagen drink nowadays, Aura White Pure L-Glutathione + Hydrolyzed Collagen. It is a very long name..hehe but people used to call it Aura White in short.

So I start buying this Aura White on last May when they first introduced their improved formula of 900 000 mg. Previously, it is 400 000 mg. So what is the different between between this two guys? The previous Aura White had 400 grams with 3x stem cells. While the new one is 900 grams with 5x stem cell. They claim that this new Aura White can last more than a month if you consume it 2 scoops, 2 times a day. But actually it is not. Because mine is only last for  just a month and I did consume it 2 scoops, 2 times a day which is in the morning, 30 minutes before having a breakfast and at night before going to sleep :)

Aura White 900 00mg :)

Aura white 900 000mg has new improvement of 5x stem cell from tomato, apple, rosella, lotus snow and raspberry. and yes it has a berry taste. Its powder smell like Ribena but its tasted little bit savourless. But, I did some research about its taste before buying. People say that the 400mg is more tasty, sweet and has the strong berry taste. This improve formula is different, I don't know. Because mine is savourless. :) And it is my second jar and I bought from different seller and its tasted same. Savourless.

So, yes! It is my second jar of Aura white and i usually did not buy any supplement twice because I tend to change and experiment many local supplement in the market. However, this Aura White really works for me until  I decided to stick with it and see what more benefits I can get. My previous history of start taking the supplement is when I get so sick with the local skincare product that made my skin thinner and thinner. Yes!! so when I have a thinner skin, my skin is very prone to acne and I am always having a breakouts! Then, they leave scars which I guess it takes forever to fade! I changed and experiment with many local skin care and I found nothing that suit my skin. Nothing! [very emotional..hehe ^_^" ] Thus, my objectives of taking the supplement is to repair my skin condition in terms of acne scar and acne itself.

Why I said that Aura White really works GREAT for me:

1. Since I consume the Aura white, acne just visited me one time last month! I started to consume it last May, and I just got one acne at the chin which is just for a 3 days and amazingly it is gone without leaving any scar. You gotta believe me. :) So, my acne problem consider solved!

2. Since I consume Aura White, my scar begin to fade. Previously, it is obviously can be seen and since I did not having breakouts, so I did not have any new scar. So, my scar problem consider solved!

3. Since I consume Aura White, my skin texture improved. See below picture, the texture of my skin is like in the left previously. Now I can say that it is improved like the picture in the right side. My skin is smoother than before.

Please see the diagram of the skin there. I can say that my skin does improved like  in the picture. Seriously, you gotta believe me!
4. Since I consume Aura White, my skin become fairer and whiter. This is not my main objective of consuming supplement because I already have a fair skin. I did not notice this changes until last 2 weeks my sister asked me about it. She asked me, "why your skin become very white? not even your face but I saw your whole body, your hands, your leg become very white". I  was like, "really??" because I did not notice this changes. So I guess this is an additional advantage I've gained form Aura White. :)

So, I guess these all four points is enough to explain why Aura White works great for me. This is the major changes that I can see from consuming Aura White. It is my second jar now and I am very satisfied with it. Aura white is not only for skin. It is also for nail, hair, bone, joint and muscle. I did not sell this product. This is just my personal thought of consuming this supplement for nearly 1 month and 2 weeks. If you wish to buy it, you can contact any online seller or local store nearby. Its standard price is RM145. But you can actually find a seller that do sell at lower price. I got my first jar at RM130, COD with free shaker and a mask. and I got my second jar at RM110, also COD with free shaker, 5 shiseido masks and 2 eye masks. It was a great deal huh? hehe..but you can google for an online seller that sell lower lower price with many many free gifts.  :) If you read my previous entry about wonder pore from Etude House, I still used them and I think they are a perfect combinations with Aura White. (^_^)b

Aura White packaging
I think that's all for now. Thank you for reading :)


5 out of 5!! I am satisfied user. hehehe :)


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