Saturday 11 May 2013

My Personal Thought #01 : Etude House Wonder Pore

Posted by sweetoholics at 07:32 0 comments
Hi everyone! This is my first entry! [yeayyy!!] Finally, I have a time to update my first entry. It has been a long time since I've created this blog. But somehow, I can't find the time to wrote anything in, i didn't know what to write or what should I write in my very first entry. I did "google"ed to get an idea, and some suggested to introduce ourselves but i prefer to introduce myself later...haha..

So, recently Etude House was having their 5th anniversary and they offered Buy one Free one promotion. It was a great deal! You can actually get 2 items at a half price! Lucky me, I was at the Alamanda, Putrajaya during the first day of the promotion [i usually didn't update myself with all the promotion, that's why i said "lucky me"] and managed to buy the Wonder Pore Freshner 500ml with free Wonder Pore Whipping Foaming at RM79.90! [hoyeay2!!] . Luckily because some items were out of stock already because they are a lot of women who play Etude also. ^___^

I have read many good reviews about this wonder pore that makes me so excited to try. I have an oily skin with open pores problem and also strawberry nose [u get what i mean?]. Before this, I have tried the malgem  from etude house and they works great! I will make a MPT [a.k.a My personal thought] later. Enough with such a long introduction, so here is my personal thought about these Wonder pore. 

Wonder Pore Freshner and Wonder Pore Whipping Foaming
1. Wonder pore Whipping Foaming:

I love the smell of this foam.. very nice and I never experience this smell before in any face wash. But I don't know if it is familiar with some people. The texture is highly concentrated yet very soft. Same like the whipping cream but this one can not be eat ya! After 2 weeks of using it, I can say that it is a very good product. Previously, my face wasn't so smooth. I also face an oily skin and open pores and I am hating it. The acne is my enemy because it left a scar![pity me..]   I can say that this wonder pore is a savior to my skin problem. My face become smoother and soft. Blackheads have reduce a lot! My pores become smaller and my oily skin problem has reduce. Other thing that I like is,  this whipping foam gives a cool effect when applying it on the face. It feels so fresh!

I like the packaging. very attractive!

See the foam! It doesn't fall!!Magic!! hehehe
There are two ways of using it:

First, you can use it as the daily wash. Second, you can use it as a mask. Leave it 1~2 minutes before washing it off. Use it 1~2 times a week. However, I did use it both ways EVERYDAY. I apply a small amount on my face and gently massage it about 1 minutes [depends on my laziness] and leave it for 2~3 minutes to let it cleanse deeply into the skin. I believe the result will be much better if I did this everyday. hehehe..

2. Wonder pore Freshner:

It comes in a big bottle. I love its packaging and cosmetic design. Its pump is so convenient and easy to use. This freshner helps in removing the left over make up and dirt on my face. I use it everyday, like 5 times a day. This freshner will give a warm effect on your skin after applying it but it is just for a while. I love this freshner because it doesn't feel sticky and its texture is easy to be absorbed into my skin. You will not feel like you are applying anything on your face except the warm effect that you will feel for a few seconds.

I can't read Korean but from the pictures, you can  understand the message that Etude wants to deliver 

 super big Wonder pore freshner *love it*

Overall, I am satisfied with this product. In terms of packaging, it is really worth to buy yet so affordable. I will definitely repurchase again this product. It is recommended to try.


4 cakes out of 5!! Wanna be sweet??? Plays Etude!


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